Mission Statement
We care for each member and provide individual service to best meet their unique goals for health and fitness. We exist to provide you with all the tools you'll need to learn how to eat right, exercise right, and feel better! We provide comprehensive approach (balance, core, agility, endurance training), nutrition plan, and online resources from our website for additional support to ensure you find success, health, and extreme results!
Our mission statement transcends into our individual training to provide the best service to reach your needs. Our passion is helping you for overall health, happiness, and wellness.
Every movement starts from your center and core and our programs are built on training the core foundation of our bodies first! Every m&mXtreme program and exercise builds on the blocks of creating a strong core!
Preventative measures can be taken to help the body and alleviate it from pain and prevent overuse injury or those as a result of each individual's own gait, stride, form and particular daily movements. We provide exercises and programming to aim and target those particular needs of each person from low back pain, arthritic conditions, diabetes, post-surgery, or any specific health need!
Part of our training is to serve those in an elite place in their own personal fitness goals whether training for marathons or bodybuilding competitions, we offer personal training, nutritional direction and advice, and the right program to achieve each extreme athletes' end point whether finish line, stage, or extreme goal!!!
Our mission statement directly relates to our client's individual nutritional needs and we believe as Hippocrates states, "Let food be thy medicine!" We offer individual nutritional advice plans to compliment the training services.