2019 OCB Presidential Cup
For the 2nd year, our show is being held at the iconic National Press Club, located 2-blocks from the White House, in the heart of downtown Washington, DC. For a short historical perspective of where our show is being conducted, the below information highlights how special this venue is!
Perched atop the National Press Building within sight of the White House and just down Pennsylvania Avenue from the Capitol, the National Press Club is the traditional meeting place in Washington for newsmakers and journalists.
Founded more than a century ago as a haven for Washington reporters to relax, enjoy a drink and play cards, it is now the world’s leading professional organization for journalists, and one of the most popular venues to host business, news or social events in Washington.
Through its doors have come presidents, premiers, kings and queens, Cabinet secretaries, senators and House members, movie stars and sports heroes, titans of business and finance – just a who’s who of the 20th and the 21st centuries. Here they have found a willing audience of reporters waiting to grill them with questions, interpret what they say and send the news around the world.
So this was the setting for the Presidential Cup!!!
Just a few competitor pictures!